Radiation levels increase in San Onofre cooling system

San Onofre Nuclear Reactor Pool source: enformable.com

San Onofre open reactor pool

“…radiation levels in the plant’s cooling system [Unit 2] doubled from January to February 2011 and continued to climb through the end of the year.

..increasing levels of radiation in the water that cools the reactor probably indicates that the metal tubes (called cladding) that contain its fuel pellets are cracking.”

— David Lochbaum, Union of Concerned Scientists, after reviewing Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reactor operation statistics

Source:  North County Times 02/17/2012 and Enformable 02/17/2012

Why didn’t the NRC shut down the plant once they had this data? 

Why isn’t the government providing current San Onofre radiation data to the public?

    • San Onofre refuses to share current radiation data with the public and no government agency is forcing them to do it.
    • The Environmental Protection Agency refuses to provide radiation monitoring near San Onofre.
    • The California Department of Public Health has a radiation monitor in San Clemente (the city nearest San Onofre), but the data is months old and very limited and their equipment is outdated.
    • The City Council of San Clemente continues to ignore requests from their citizens to take the lead in obtaining current radiation data for their citizens.

See radiation monitoring.

San Onofre has the worst safety record of all U.S reactors and punishes employees for reporting safety issues. See NRC safety allegations data and comments from whistleblowers.

We don’t need the energy from the two California nuclear plants, so why are we living with the risks?  See energy options for details.

California citizens, please download and sign the California Nuclear Initiative Petition to effectively shutdown San Onofre and Diablo CanyonDo this by April, so we can get this on the November ballot. The government is not protecting us, so we have to protect ourselves. NO ONE IS GOING TO DO THIS FOR US. It’s up to YOU to protect your family and California. This is a grassroots effort, so we need your help to make this a success.

The one-year anniversary of the on-going Fukushima disaster is March 11th.

    • Events will be held all over the state and all over the world on March 10th and 11th. 
    • Please help gather petition signatures at the California events and at other locations.  Citizens from Japan have asked us to warn Californians to learn the lessons of Fukushima before it’s too late. Please help us share this message.

About Donna Gilmore

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4 Responses to Radiation levels increase in San Onofre cooling system

  1. CaptD says:

    The NRC gave the Nuclear Industry a “PASS” on the tube wear issue before on San Onofre and other reactors around the Country http://wp.­me/p21p6a-­77L
    They are realizing that they have a much bigger problem than they first “imagined”­; metal erosion cannot be tolerated when the radioactiv­e leakage is not only high in temperatur­e but also high in amount of radiation!

    Would you use a dangerous leaking pressure pot day after day,
    … or would you be smart and replace it with something safer?
    Why nuclear is on the way out:
    1. Radiation is dangerous to man
    2. Expensive to build compared to Competitive Power Sources.
    3. Creates long lasting radioactiv­e waste
    4. Risky because Nature can destroy any land based nuclear reactor,
    … Any place anytime 24/7/365!
    5. No meaningful insurance for MAJOR radioactive damages to property or people!

  2. CaptD says:

    believe that once California consumers and especially California property owners realize that they are NOT covered for any type of fallout, leakage or contamination caused by radioactivity, they will begin to reexamine their “trust” in nuclear because of their financial liability!

    Question: How many in Southern California (for example) could afford to just walk away from their homes if one of the reactors in California had a meltdown for any reason; without even considering the health implications later? The answer of course is NOT MANY! We have only to see what has happened in Japan to get a good idea; in short America cannot afford a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster any better than Japan.

    Remember most of the “rest” of America is downwind from the West Coast! Japan has been “lucky” in that regard ,since most of its radioactivity has move toward eastward North America and the rest of the planet; yet most of Northern Japan is now contaminated!

  3. CaptD says:

    We are now are being ruled by those in Nuclear Denial*; instead of by Leaders that demand an end to the Trillion Dollar Eco-Disast­er RISK that Nuclear poses to mankind! The nuclear industry is fighting tooth and nail to maintain it’s market share; yet NOW Solar (of all flavors) is far less costly to construct, faster to construct and carries with it N☢ Nuclear radioactiv­e baggage that can kill a Countries economy and or those living nearby!
    Ask The Japanese!

    *Nuclear Denial
    The illogical belief that Nature cannot destroy any land based nuclear reactor, any place anytime 24/7/365! Remember Nature does not follow design basis calculations or even engineering RISK formulas…

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